Pregnancy Visits
Having regular prenatal care during your pregnancy can help you have a healthy pregnancy.
Your first appointment should be around 8 weeks of pregnancy or 8 weeks after your last menstrual period. After that, general pregnancy care consists of the following prenatal visits:
- Every 4 weeks during the first and second trimester
- Every 2 weeks during your late third trimester
- Every week during the last month of your pregnancy
For more information on what happens at each prenatal visit click here.
Your prenatal care may change if you have a high-risk pregnancy or if you have complications arise in your care. We will work closely with you to make sure you get the best care during your pregnancy if these issues arise.
Click here to learn more about high-risk pregnancy care.
Medications and supplements in pregnancy
Prenatal Vitamin
Our doctors recommend a daily prenatal vitamin to fill in nutritional gaps.
Most prenatal vitamins are similar but a good prenatal vitamin needs to contain at least the following:
- 400-800mcg of Folic Acid
- 30 mg of iron
- 1000mg of Calcium
- 600 IU of Vitamin D
Some over the counter drugs may be safely taken after the first trimester. Click here* for a list of medications considered safe in pregnancy. If you are unsure of a medication, please call our office or consult with a pharmacist.
Herbal supplements
Some herbal products can be unsafe during pregnancy. Always check with your healthcare provider before using any herbal remedies.
Click to download medications in pregnancy
Prenatal Visits
First Visit
At your first visit we will review your medical history including medication that you may be taking. We will answer any questions that you have from the online early pregnancy information. You will have a physical exam including pap smear if needed. We will discuss pregnancy testing and optional genetic screening.
12 week visit
At this time we will be able to hear your baby’s heartbeat with a fetal heart doppler. We will also do any optional genetic screening that you desire including:
- NIPS testing
- Carrier Screening: Cystic Fibrosis or SMA
- Click here for more information about these tests
16 week visit
At this visit we will check your blood pressure, urine, and your baby’s heart beat. You can sign up for an optional Hello Baby Ultrasound to be done at this time in pregnancy. Click Here to Sign Up
20 week visit
At this visit we will do a complete fetal anatomy ultrasound. This ultrasound takes about 30 minutes and is performed by one of our trained ultrasound technicians. We will review your ultrasound afterwards and answer any questions you have. The ultrasound will then be reviewed by a doctor specializing in ultrasound reading.
24 week visit
We will check you blood pressure, urine and your baby’s heart beat. We will also provide information about your upcoming sugar test.
28 week visit
At this visit you do your sugar test to screen for gestational diabetes. This one hour test will be combined with a test for pregnancy anemia.
32 week visit
We will check your blood pressure, urine and your baby’s heartbeat. At this visit we will encourage you to get vaccinated for whooping cough if you have not already. We will also encourage prenatal classes and confirm which hospital you are delivering at.
34 week visit
We will check your blood pressure, urine and your baby’s heart beat. We will screen you for preterm labor and discuss labor symptoms.
36 week visit
At this visit we will perform the group B strep test. This is a vaginal swab test that checks for a bacteria that may need to be treated during labor to prevent infection in your newborn. We will also confirm the position of your baby.
37, 38, 39, 40 week visits
These visits are critical for pregnancy. During these visits we are carefully checking your blood pressure, urine and baby’s heart rate. You will be screened for late term pregnancy complications. We will also answer any questions about your upcoming delivery.