General Obstetrics

General Obstetrics Topics General obstetrics encompasses comprehensive care for women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, prioritizing the health and well-being of both mother and baby. Topics in Pregnancy Prenatal visits Testing in Pregnancy Bleeding in Pregnancy Medications & Supplements Diet & Exercise Weight Gain in pregnancy Harmful Substances Vaccination & Immunization Travel in […]
Testing in Pregnancy

Welcome to our comprehensive page about testing in pregnancy. Our doctors are all board certified and keep up to date on the newest recommendations for testing in pregnancy. Here are some of the testing we encourage and/or offer in pregnancy. Routine Pregnancy Labs At your first visit, likely in the first trimester of your […]
Vaginal and Cesarean Delivery

We understand that every pregnancy is unique and therefore, every delivery is unique. Our experienced team is committed to providing you with personalized care and education regarding your delivery. Various childbirth options include vaginal delivery, cesarean section (C-section) and vaginal delivery after C-section (VBAC). Vaginal Delivery A vaginal delivery is a natural childbirth process […]
Pre-pregnancy Consultation

A pre-pregnancy consultation with your doctor is an essential step towards ensuring a healthy and successful pregnancy journey. Here are a few things we will discuss at your consultation: Introduction Meeting with one of our providers will allow us to establish a rapport and encourage open communication during your pre-pregnancy and pregnancy care. […]
Hospital Services

Our doctors deliver at Sacred Heart Medical Center, which provides state of the art labor and delivery suites and a dedicated team of nurses to ensure a safe and comfortable birthing experience. Click here for more information WA State FMLA (including the common Paid Family Medical Leave Act) forms will require an appointment, including our […]
High Risk Pregnancy

What is a High Risk Pregnancy? A high-risk pregnancy refers to a pregnancy where there is an increased chance of potential complications for you, your baby, or both, compared to a typical pregnancy. If you have a high-risk pregnancy, you will need careful monitoring and specialized prenatal care to ensure the well-being of both you […]
Harmful Substances

Alcohol Alcohol is generally considered unsafe in pregnancy. There is no known safe amount of alcohol consumption in pregnancy. Alcohol exposure in pregnancy can cause developmental problems in the fetus that are lifelong. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) FAS is a disorder caused by exposure to alcohol use in pregnancy. It is associated with growth […]
What to Expect in your Pregnancy

Your body will go through many changes as your baby grows. A lot of these symptoms are normal. You may experience morning sickness, breast tenderness and mild cramping. Click below to see more information about how your body will change and normal symptoms of pregnancy. Visit What to Expect Morning Sickness Dealing […]
Disease prevention

Preventing Disease During Pregnancy Because of the changes in to your body in pregnancy, you are more vulnerable to infection from viruses and bacteria. Listeria Unheated deli meats could potentially increase the risk of listeria but listeria infections but the risk in recent years is not substantial. Instead pregnant women should avoid foods that […]
Genetic Screening Options

Testing for genetic conditions Along with general screening in pregnancy and ultrasounds, we offer two types of genetic screening. These screening tests are usually done in the first trimester and are optional. Aneuploidy testing Aneuploidy testing, or chromosomal testing, identifies your risk of having a baby with an abnormal amount of chromosomes. The most […]